What came out of the Diocesan Youth Assembly?

The Diocesan Youth Assembly took place on Saturday 17 September where more than 50 participants representing more than 20 Catholic Schools, Parishes, Movements and Organisations came together to discuss issues that matter to them and to contribute to the wider Diocesan Assembly.

The day included time for prayer, reflection, group discussions, music, games, and an opportunity to socialise and connect with other young people from across the Archdiocese. Archbishop Patrick O’Regan addressed the participants about the Archdiocese’s journey with synodality. The Assembly included a keynote speech by St Vincent de Paul Society South Australian State President Brad Hocking, who spoke on the theme of belonging and invited the participants to reflect on the positives and challenges of being young people in their respective Catholic communities

Top themes for young people

Session 2 had the participants reflect upon and discuss the 6 different themes that have come out of the Diocesan Assembly. They then selected which theme was most important to them. Here is a ranking of the top themes as selected by the participants with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest.  

Top recommendations from young people

Session 3 allowed participants to reflect on the recommendations of the 2021 Diocesan Assembly in light of their own context and provide feedback about their reflections. Each group submitted their top 3 recommendations that were provided as feedback to the Diocesan Assembly.

Here is a list of the top 6 reoccurring recommendations selected by the participants:

Diocesan Assembly

10 participants from the Diocesan Youth Assembly nominated to attend the 2022 Diocesan Assembly as youth delegates. The delegates, along with other young people from across the Archdiocese attending the Assembly, represented the voices of youth and played an important role in their contribution to the Assembly.

To find out more about the Diocesan Assembly, watch the livestream and view the program resources and materials please see the following website: https://adelaidediocesanassembly.org/resources


The Catholic Youth Podcast - Episode 1 Youth Ministry: what is it and why do we do it with Julian Nguyen


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